Friday, March 13, 2009

~Islam's future~

Just now, I checked out my new mails, and I wanna share something with you guys..

From: Arul Azlan Bin Abd Karim
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 9:35 AM
Subject: ISLAM DIHINA DIMALAYSIA..tolong baca dengan penuh pengertian..

Baca sama-sama...

Dunia akhir zaman semakin menakutkan bila
berkait dgn soal akidah. Nak jadi apa dah ni??
Patut laa ada yang kata tak nak ada anak.
Bukan takut nak beranak, tapi takut
ada anak yang terpesong akidah.. baik tak de langsung!!

Mufti Perak, Datuk Harussani Zakaria bangkit dalam isu ini dengan
membuat kenyataan akhbar bahwa umat Islam wajib isytihar perang
terhadap pertubuhan IFC itu dan minta 50 ahli politik Islam yang menurunkan
signature sebagai menyokong penubuhan IFC itu bertaubat kepada Allah swt
kerana dibimbangi aqidah mereka sudah terbatal [3]. Datuk Harussani juga
minta kepada semua penceramah, semua ustaz-ustaz yang mengajar
kuliah-kuliah dan semua khatib-khatib, supaya jangan lupa cakap benda ni
dalam kuliah-kuliah dan di atas mimbar-mimbar Jumaat bahwa pertubuhan
IFC ini adalah musuh Islam di M`sia.

Tuan-tuan tau depa minta apa kat PM?...
Depa send memorandum kepada PM meminta 15 perkara berhubung
dengan Islam supaya dimasukkan dalam perlembagaan Malaysia .

1) Setiap anak yang baru dilahirkan di Malaysia jangan dikaitkan dengan
mana-mana agama sehinggalah anak itu berusia 18 tahun
- Tu dia tuan-tuan. Ini apa cerita ni? Maknanya, anak-anak kita langsung tidak boleh
dididikkan dengan cara Islam. Kita tak boleh bubuh nama Islam kat
anak-anak. Sampai umur 18 tahun, baru boleh duduk bincang di mahkamah,
tanya kat anak kita, "Hang nak ikut ugama apa?"...Kalau dia kata nak
jadi hindu, maka jadi hindulah dia. Kita tak boleh nak buat apa sebab dah
digazetkan dalam Perlembagaan Negara.

2) Di dalam dokumen pengenalan mykad dan passport dihapuskan kolum
identiti agama - maknanya, perkataan "Islam" yang ada kat mykad kita itu,depa
minta di"tiada" kan .

3) Mana-mana orang bukan Islam kalau nak kahwin dengan orang Islam, dia
tidak perlu masuk Islam.

4) Mana-mana orang Islam yang nak kahwin dengan orang bukan Islam,
mestilah dia tukar agama kepada bukan Islam.

5) Sebagaimana kerajaan Malaysia menyalurkan dana kepada masjid-masjid,
begitu juga kerajaan Malaysia mesti menyalurkan dana kepada semua rumah
ibadat orang bukan Islam.

6) Peraturan sekolah yang mengizinkan anak orang Islam menutup aurat
hendaklah dimansuhkan, kerana ia menghina agama bukan Islam.

7) Hapuskan mahkamah syariah kerana ia juga menghina agama-agama lain -
mahkamah syariah kalau takdak, habih la kita tuan-tuan. Walaupun la ni
bukannya perfect, tapi itulah satu-satunya mahkamah yang defence agama
kita. Kalau mahkamah syariah disingkirkan, masalah faraid pusaka, masalah
nikah kahwin, cerai talak apa semua tu macamana?....Kalau tak dak mahkamah
syariah, maknanya, perkahwinan tidak akan berjalan di atas akad nikah,
sebaliknya, perkahwinan akan dibuat secara berdaftar.

8) Mana-mana orang bukan Islam yang masuk Islam, semua hartanya
dikembalikan kepada waris yang tidak beragama Islam.

9) Mana-mana pasangan yang bukan Islam, apabila masuk Islam, maka hak
penjagaan anak tidak boleh diberikan kepada mereka.

10) Sebagaimana program-program di radio dan tv yang menerangkan tentang
ajaran Islam dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing, begitu juga
ajaran-ajaran lain daripada Islam juga perlu diberi ruang.

11) Sepertimana Quran, hendaklah kerajaan Malaysia turut mencetak bible
dalam bahasa Melayu untuk diedarkan di seluruh negara.

12) Apa istimewanya Islam sehingga ditabalkan sebagai agama rasmi di
Malaysia ? .....lagi 3 ana tak ingat, anta boleh refer dalam Majalah Millenium

Ini dia tuan-tuan, Islam diludah depan mata kita sendiri, so mana
sensitiviti kita terhadap agama kita sendiri?....Datuk Harussani tegur PM
dan 50 ahli politik Islam yang sokong pertubuhan tersebut supaya
dibatalkan pertubuhan itu. Tau 50 orang Islam tu kata apa?...Depa kata kat
Mufti Perak, "Ni lah kalau dah terlalu tua jadi mufti, tak open minded
langsung!"...Datuk Harussani balas dalam majalah "Millenium Muslim",
katanya, "Di atas sikap open-minded rakyat Malaysia yang terlampau lebih,
maka inilah hadiahnya!"...
Ini dia kata-kata seorang ulama di Malaysia . Yang lainnya sunyi sepi termasuklah akhbar-akhbar,
macam ada benda dalam mulut sampai tak boleh nak buka!
Kata Al-Imam Ibn Kathir didalam tafsirnya: "Sepertimana yang Tartar
berhukum dengan berteraskan sistem pemerintahan yang diambil daripada raja
mereka Genghiz Khan yang telah mencipta untuk mereka undang-undang Yasak
yang merupakan sebuah buku menghimpunkan hukum-hakam yang diambil
daripada syariat yang berbagai, iaitu Yahudi, Nasrani, Islam dan lain-lain.

Dalamnya juga banyak hukum-hakam yang diambil daripada fikiran dan hawa
nafsunya semata, lalu dijadikan undang-undang yang diikuti oleh anak
cucunya. Mereka mendahulukannya melebihi kitab Allah dan Sunnah
Rasulullah, sesiapa yang berbuat demkian maka dia adalah kafir dan wajib diperangi
sehingga dia kembali kepada hukum Allah dan Rasulnya dan tidak berhukum
selain daripadanya dalam perkara kecil ataupun besar (rujukan tafsir
al-Quran al-'Azim oleh al-Imam Ibn Kathir jld. 2, m.s. 70. Cetakan Beirut)

Allahua`ala `alam.

What the hell is actually happening in our country now? If this mail is true, then I have only one question.. IS THIS WHAT 'ISLAM HADHARI' MEANS? Read, judge, and comment by yourself..

~friendship in life part 4~

Kadang-kadang kita lupa..
Bercakap bukan sekadar bercakap..
Mendengar bukan sekadar mendengar..
Tapi kita sebenarnya sedang mencari jalan penyelesaian..
Mencari kesefahaman..
Kita sedang meluahkan perasaan, isi hati dan keinginan untuk difahami..

Bila kita gagal untuk berkata-kata, kita perlukan seseorang untuk membantu..
Kita perlukan seseorang untuk memahami kekusutan dunia kita..
Jadi, kita kembali mencari dengan penuh harapan..
Si dia yang telah kita kehilangan..
Tanpa menyedari kita sudah pun bertemu dengan pengisi kekosongan dan pengganti tempat kita mengadu..

Source: Kami The Series

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

~english in science and mathematics~

Thank you so much for the responds on the previous article. To my new friend, it's very nice to know you. Thanks for dropping by at my page yesterday..

Last 3 days, I keep buying newspapers because of the 'english in science and mathematics' issue, or the simplest way to say it in malay is 'PPSMI'. Well, it doesn't mean that I don't like to read newspapers before, but I rarely bought it because I'd rather to read it online. So, back to the topic, why do we need to stop teaching and learning science and mathematics in english? It's good, since english is really important in global world now. There's no such thing as forgetting our mother tounge, or it's hard for the students in the rural area to understand those two subjects. This process starts from standard one, which means they start to learn them from the basics. If we want to stop using english in science and mathematics, why don't we stop teaching english subject as well? Still, the students in the rural area are hard to understand the english subject, right? Look, if they stop from learning science and mathematics in english now, later in the university, they still need to learn those subjects in english, unless their parents don't even think about sending their children to the university. Those people who involved in the demonstration against this issue, they actually need to think out of the box, or else Malaysia and some of the Malaysians will always being left behind..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

~a love~

I'm going to stop posting about the friendship's poem for a while, since I have a lot of things to share with you guys about love and a bit about friendship as well..

What is love? Nobody can guess the real meaning of love. It depends on the individual to define love. For me, personally, I think love is such a beautiful free gift from ALLAH, or maybe I can say GOD, to each of us to enjoy. We should share the love with everyone, at anywhere, in anytime. Since it is a gift from HIM, we shouldn't waste it just like that. We should feel the love and sense the beauty of love. But in a certain situations, people keep thinking that love is just a four-letter-words for emotional blackmailed. It's not Love's fault, but it is about our heart actually. Sometimes we do think why some people need to separate, means not being together anymore. When we fall in love, we are the one who should control ourselves and our feelings. Once we are in love, it doesn't mean that we need to forget about everything else and just concentrate on our love. As long as we are not in a marriage, we cannot think that our partners are the right person for us. They can be anyone, maybe someone we knew, we'd met, or maybe someone who suddenly comes in our lives. Everything had been destined by HIM. We don't even know what will happen next. The most important thing is, we need to love ourselves more than we love anyone else, because once we love ourselves, others can sense the love and they will love you. Be grateful of who you are and what you have.

Who is a best friend? We can keep calling people 'my friend', but not every friends are best friends, since not every friends will stay when it comes to the tough situations, will lend their shoulders to cry on, and will be sincere with us. Best friend should be the one who can be with us anytime, be sincere in anything, and appreciate a friendship so much. I'd met a lot of people before, and I considered everyone as my friends. But when I had problems, or feel lonely, or even sad, just a few of them will really care and show their efforts to help. Sometimes I feel a bit disappointed to know that kind of people, but I try to take the lessons on a positive way. Maybe HE just want to show me that I can't trust people easily. I'd learn to be a forgiving person, and I still love to help everyone as much as I can. We need to be sincere with everyone we know, but still, we need to be careful from being cheated or stabbed at the back.

Too much works to do. Sometimes I wish I can take a break and go for holidays.. So tired!

Monday, March 9, 2009

~friendship in life part 3~

Terikat, terkongkong, terkurung..
Kita mencari jalan untuk melepaskan diri dari kemelut lama yang ikut kita ke mana saja kita pergi..
Kita tak boleh lari, tapi kita beranikan diri..
Tabah untuk mencari ruang untuk mencari kebebasan..

Akhirnya, ruang membuatkan kita leka, lupa, dan lalai..
Memaksa kita berfikir..
Membebankan kita..
Membebaskan kita..
Melemas dan menelan kita semua..

Source: Kami The Series

Sunday, March 8, 2009

~friendship in life part 2~

Seperti surat-surat kiriman kenalan yang jauh dan dekat..
Kita mengembara dari tempat ke tempat yang lain..
Membawa bersama kenangan manis dan impian hidup yang ingin kita kongsi..
Seperti sebutir habuk yang ditiup angin..
Kita mencari ketentuan hidup dan arah masa depan..
Kita memikul beban dan pengalaman pahit yang ingin kita tinggalkan..
Kisah silam yang ingin kita lupakan..
Berpegang pada harapan untuk memulakan hidup yang baru..

Nak tak nak, kita terpaksa buat pilihan dan berhadapan dengan pelbagai dugaan dalam meneruskan pengembaraan yang tak dapat dielak..
Pengembaraan yang akan membawa kita ke tempat yang baru..
Dan yang akan membawa kita pulang..

Source: Kami The Series

Saturday, March 7, 2009

~friendship in life~

Semua orang perlukan kawan, teman, geng..
Orang-orang yang kita boleh berhubung..
Tetapi, apakah itu kawan?
Geng warung kopi?
Member seperjuangan?
Member lepak-lepak?
Rakan-rakan sekolah?
Atau kawan-kawan yang bersama kita sejak kita kecil?
Takde prejudis..
Takde perbezaan..
Takde pertandingan..
Takde persaingan..
Sehingga satu hari kita belajar untuk buka mata..
Dan kita mula nampak..
Dunia bukan lagi sekadar hitam dan putih..

Takde hal..
Sekarang ni setakat nak buat kawan memang cepat, senang dan pantas..
Tak payah keluar rumah..
Tak payah bangun dari kerusi..
Tenung skrin komputer..
Kletak kletuk je keyboard..
Boleh suka benda yang sama..
Tak suka pun takpe..
Kenal tak kenal belakang cerita..
Risiko kita tanggung sendiri..
Kerana persahabatan adalah satu pengembaraan yang tak boleh diduga..

Kita meneruskan perjalanan hidup mencari kawan, teman dan rakan untuk mengisi kekosongan tanpa menyedari mereka berada di hadapan kita..
Hanya menunggu masa untuk menemukan kita kembali..
Hanya menunggu keadaan yang akan menentukan arah persahabatan..

p/s: sorry to write this entry in Malay.. I just want to show how the writer express her/his feeling towards friendship.. To be continued..
Source: Kami The Series

Friday, March 6, 2009


Do you hear me?
I'm talking to you
Across the water
Across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky
Oh my, baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you
I promise you
I will..

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea
To an island where we'll meet
You'll hear the music, feel the air
I'll put a flower in your hair

Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you're all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

I'm lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday..

Thursday, March 5, 2009

~a great friendship~

Today I feel a lot better than previous days. I finally know things that I want and I should do. About my problems, I'll just let it go and try to find the solution step by step. I had arranged everything from the most important to the least one. I finally found my true self again. I'd really like to thanks my new friends. They made me think about my future. I know I should transform myself to a new person.. Totally new.. Hope to get more supports..

Watching this film and the TV series give a lot of values, especially in friendship. I love the bond of friendship that they had. Even though their lives are full of secrets and problems, they still can have fun by being together, spending time studying together, and hanging out together. I missed my old friends. We were supposed to be in a group of four, but now only the 2 of us left. I always wonder why we can't get along until now. But, after I watched this movie, I know that things changed as the time goes by. Everyone will change, including ourselves. So, I will just keep the memory in my mind, and go on with my own life as I need to. For my one and only best friend, if you are reading this, thanks a lot for still being my best friend. You are the best friend I've ever known. Thank you so much.. Love you..

Sweet memories are hard to forget.. So do the friendship.. Everyone makes mistakes, and they keep making mistakes as long as they still alive.. So, just forgive and forget.. You will get the benefits and feel relief.. Trust me.. :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

~changes need to be made~

It's been a long time since I didn't update this blog. I don't know whether there's somebody waiting for me or not.. huhu.. I don't know what had happened to myself. I just a little bit lost somewhere, and I don't even know what should I do. I'm not studying, not doing my assignments, skipping classes.. I'd done so many mistakes in just a month. I don't even know myself anymore. I don't know where to find the true me. I felt like I was somebody else. I really need help from now on.. Can somebody help me?

Changes need to be made..
I really wanna change myself now. All I need is supports from everyone. My family were broken now, and the only person I have in my life is my best friend. She's the only one who understand me, and the one that I really trust. I wanna be a new me.. Totally new.. I hope I'll get the supports that I need.. From now, at this moment, I promised myself that I'll change.. I will..

Kinokuniya is the best book stores ever..
I spent my weekend at kinokuniya twice and I bought 3 books. One of them is a puzzle's book, and another 2 are teen's novels. The first novel is about a girl who get confused to choose among 3 guys that really love her. It's quite nice, but it's not as challenging as the second one. I chose a right guy for her and the ending is as nice as I want it to be.. The second novel is about 5 bestfriends, who shared almost every single secrets together. Their secrets were safe, until one of them is missing. They are not friends anymore since then, and after years, they have being haunted by their past. It's really suspense, and once you start reading this novel, you'll be eager to know what will happen next. This book has 4 series, and I just bought one. I'll try to get another 3 as soon as possible..

Got to go..